Our Sports Injury Claims

Sports Carry A Level of Risk and Injury Could Happen.

When playing sport there is always an element of risk, and in some sports you’re more likely to get injured than others. However, if you were not at fault and the injury was caused by someone else then there could be a potential to claim or if it was an organised event then the event organiser has a duty of care to make sure everyone is as safe as possible. It can prove difficult trying to find out who is responsible, but at Equitas we have solicitors that have experience in investigating sport related injury claims. 

How Much Compensation For a Sports Injury?

The 3 main factors to look at when trying to calculate how much compensation you could be owed is how much pain you suffered due to the injury. If those injuries are life-threatening or life-changing or long-term injuries and finally if you have lost out financially because of the injuries that you have incurred. 

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